[My Title]


  1. Seriti Coal (Pty) Ltd, (“the Company”), is a private company bearing registration number 2016/416619/07 and whose chosen address for purposes of this privacy statement is 3 on Glenhove, Corner Glenhove and Tottenham Avenue, Melrose Estate.

  2. This privacy statement governs your privacy and the protection of your personal information in your interactions with the Company. The Company respects your privacy and will take reasonable measures to protect it and will implement and operate all reasonable information security controls in order to protect and preserve the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of all personal information and the risks relating thereto. This privacy statement is subject to change from time to time to inter alia comply with changes to any applicable laws, to provide for new methods of operation, to rectify any mistake that may be discovered or for any other reason that the Company may, in its sole discretion, deem reasonable. You are required to check this privacy statement often.

  3. Your personal information is processed when:

    1. You use the Company’s website at www.seritiza.com; and

    2. You sign up to receive newsletters and/or marketing information.

  4. By providing the Company with your personal information, you give your express consent that your personal information may be processed for the purposes for which it was collected and, if applicable, the transfer thereof to the Third Parties.

  5. The Company does not and will not knowingly collect, store, disclose or otherwise process personal information from minors (unemancipated persons below the age of 18), without the permission of such minor’s parents or legal guardians. 

  6. The Company will only require you to provide the personal information that is necessary and relevant to the purpose for which it is collected, including:

    1. Your name and surname;

    2. Your email address;

    3. Your physical address;

    4. Your date of birth,

    5. Mobile telephone number.

  7. The purposes for which your personal information is collected, processed and/or disclosed is:

    1. Dealing with complaints;

    2. Providing you with relevant Company updates and information;

    3. Developing and improving the Company’s products, services, communication methods and/or website functionality;

    4. Managing and giving effect to business requirements regarding your participation in any competitions and/or promotions which you have entered;

    5. Communicating information to you and managing your registration for and subscription to the Company’s newsletters and other communications;

    6. Authenticating the identity of individuals making contact with the Company by telephone, electronically or otherwise;

    7. Internal training and/or quality assurance purposes;

    8. Providing you with personalised communications and/or targeted advertising, including invitations to events;

    9. Performing a contract to which you are a party and/or where the Company has a legal obligation to collect, process and/or disclose your personal information.

  8. In the process and storage of personal information, the Company will:

    1. take appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal information is kept secure and is protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage, alteration, disclosure or access;

    2. promptly notify you if it becomes aware of any unauthorised use, disclosure or processing of your personal information;

    3. provide you with reasonable evidence of its compliance with its obligations under this privacy statement on reasonable notice and request; and

    4. upon your request, promptly return or destroy any and all of your personal information in its possession or control.

  9. Sharing personal information with third parties occurs when:

    1. the personal information is provided to the Company’s suppliers and/or partners, provided that such third parties are subject to data protection laws, which provide an adequate level of protection in relation to the processing and use of personal information;

    2. you interact with the Company online. Certain types of personal data is received and stored through the use of cookies and tracking technologies, as detailed in the website terms and conditions. You are required to update your cookie preferences in your browser settings;

    3. personal data and/or information is collected from third parties where the Company operates accounts on such as Facebook and Google. Please note that the Company does not have control over social media interfaces and cannot be held liable for any processing of personal information transmitted via social media plugins;

    4. you have consented to the disclosure;

    5. it is required in order to provide the services which you have requested;

    6. it is required in terms of law or a court order;

    7. it is necessary to enforce and/or apply the terms and conditions of an agreement which the Company entered into with a merchant and/or other third party;

    8. it is necessary to protect the rights, property or safety of the Company, its employees, users and/or customers.

  10. The Company will:

    1. treat your personal information as strictly confidential;

    2. automatically collect and store certain information in its server logs, such as web clicks, internet protocol addresses, device event information, cookies which may uniquely identify your browser or your account with the Company;

    3. not retain your personal information for longer than the period for which it was originally needed, unless it is required by law to do so, or you consent to the retention thereof for a longer period.

  11. Changes to personal information:

    1. must be updated by you, by accessing your personal information through the online portal or by notifying the information officer at the email address below;

    2. will include deletion of your personal information as soon as reasonably practicable after the Company is no longer authorized to retain the record of your personal information. Should you require the Company to delete your personal information, you are required to notify the information officer at the email address below.

  12. Where the Company relies on a legitimate interest for processing your personal information, such ground for processing personal information will only be used where it is necessary to achieve the legitimate interest and will only be relied upon where there is a no less intrusive way to process your personal information.

  13. Where appropriate and required, you may be deemed to have consented to the use and processing of your personal information, as a result of providing it to the Company or the Company will request that you provide your consent to use and process your personal information. In circumstances where you are deemed to or have provided your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent and/or object to any collection, processing and/or collection of your personal information at any time by notifying the Company information officer at information.officer@seritiza.com.

  14. You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding any collection, processing and/or collection of Your Personal Information to the Information Regulator, the contact details of which are as follows:


Physical address: 33 Hoofd Street

Forum III

3rd Floor Braampark


Email: inforeg@justice.gov.za



Seriti Coal (Pty) Ltd, (“the Company”) respects your privacy and will take reasonable measures to protect it and preserve the confidentiality of your personal information.

The Company processes your personal when you use the Company’s website and this app.

By providing the Company with your express consent you agree that your personal information may be processed for the purposes for which it was collected.

You can view the Company’s full Privacy Statement above.

Click Accept if you agree to the Company’s Privacy Policy and wish to continue to use the App.